Kamis, 10 November 2011
Di Alam Akhirat Ada Apa???
The properties of hell:
Once when Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad who is not the time to come. Prophet stood up to him and said:
"O Gabriel, why do I see you changed your color?" He replied: "I am commanded by God to come to explain the bursts of fire of hell."
Prophet said: "explain to me about the state of hell and perihwalan jahannam."
He replied: "Allah Ta` ala ordered that ignited the fires of hell jahannam 1000 years, until the end because it is too hot to fire color to white. Then instructed on again for 1000 years until the color changed to red flames, and then ordered another 1000 years until the color turned on the fire turned into a black, dark black, so it does not shine anymore gejolaknya and bakarannya was never extinguished, extinguished. By God, who sent Mr. with the truth; when someone among the keepers of hell brought God into the earth, all human beings that occupy this earth will die because of facial ugliness and treachery of the smell. By God, who sent Mr. with the truth; is like a ring (a kind of circle) of the Fire placed over the mountain chain in the world, then would tembuslah mountain to the bottom of the earth. Then the Prophet said: "O Gabriel luckily, my heart is not broken and I die because of this keteranganmu." Rasullullah saw him cry, cry, too Rasullulah while asking: "why do you have to cry, O Gabriel! In fact so much side kedudukanmu gods. "
He replied: "who would not weep? Instead I'm the one who has the right to cry, because who knows how I was doing in the science of God is not like what I know, and I do not know; if I did not feel the temptation, as that experienced by the devil. Though the devil is one of those angels (so called because durhakanya devil), I will not know whether I will feel what is perceived by Harut Marut. "Wept Gabriel, the Prophet cried too. Then came the call from there, which reads: "O Gabriel and O Muhammad, Allah` Azza Wajalla already guarantees you two will not be until the ungodly. "
Gabriel then rose to heaven, and the Holy Prophet continued his journey until he met with Ansar group of people were playing and laughing. Then the Messenger of Allah said to them.: "What makes you laugh! And behind you there is a hell jahannam. If you know what I know, really you would laugh little and would cry more, you will not eat and will drink tdak, it will rise to high ground and begged refuge in Allah SWT "
Ever Prophet along with his companions, suddenly there was a voice that needs dpertanyakan by the Companions. As stated in the hadith:
"Once we are together the prophet peace be upon him, and then we heard there are like-falling objects. Then He asked, "what you guys know what's that noise!" We (Abu Hurairah ra and her friends) replied: "Allah knows best his messenger" Allah's Apostle then said: "It is a stone being dropped into the bottom of Hell since 70 years jahannam ago, and now we get to the bottom. "(Narrated by Imam Muslim, through Abu Hurairah ra.)
Properties of the torments of hell
They are placed in a place that is very narrow, very dark every way, a place of desolation and retained in a great blaze of light. Fire guards detained them in the mix with fire. They were screaming, thrashing, and calling out from every corner and the edge of hell.
"O Malik .... Is entitled upon whether we will promise this torment! ... O Malik! It feels heavy are we holding the iron-iron! O Malik ... ruined our skin! O Malik ... remove us from hell! Surely we will not come back. "
Then the angel replied: "it slowly, and come safely behold, you will not get out of this vile hell even if you dodge and say the same. Even if you removed, that you may re-do the forbidden. "
They called for will perish, then doused with hot water from the top of their heads that mengahancurkan skin and destroy anything in their stomachs. Then the pus bursts spurting from their mouths, brand aHUS, their hearts heat and deraslah tears from her cheek, cheek meat fall loss, from his head, legs, body, and the feathers or hair-hair. Ahancur brand skin, then replaced with a new skin, then tortured again, broken again, just bare bones with no meat. Their spirits are still marked in between the bones and veins are interconnected still feel the pain. Brand abercita ideals die, but they never die for ever, as stated in sura Ibrahim verses 16-17
Atelah brand face blackened by the fires of hell sting. Their eyes are blind and tongue brands atidak said, his back were broken, and broken bones. Disjointed life, the tongue cut, torn skin, all chained up, then walk on hot asphalt with their faces stepped on the thorns of iron. Then spread the flames burning between her joints. The snakes and scorpions dangling between their bodies.
Mild punishment in Hell
Prophet's words: "that the punishment of the contents as low as hell on the Day of Resurrection; he wears two sandals of fire, whose brain felt the heat for two sandals." (Narrated by Imam Bukhari, Muslim, through An Ni `man bin Basyi. Ra. )
Do not ever doubt the heat of the fire. Because the world we feel the fire on a candle and so is the fire that was doused by the grace of water 70. Prophet's words: "the world is bathed 70 fire water from grace, so that the inhabitants of the earth are capable of using." Word of another Prophet: "Hell complained to God, he said: 'O Lord, I eat the most part.' Then Allah ta` ala permit have the second breath. One breath in the winter and one summer breath longer exists. And you will get harder in the summer heat, and cool louder obtained in the winter. "
Abu Hurayrah said: "suppose there are 1000 people in the mosque or even more. Then one hell of a breathing expert there, they would all die. "Do you know what their food? Namely Zaqqum tree, the tree following a very bitter fruit as stated in Sura Ash AlQur Shaffaat `an verses 64-68
Human skin as thick as 3 days in hell trip
And you need to know and to think that the remains later in the hell the big and tall, so torture is getting bigger and longer time. For instance just heathen molars of the hills in the world. Prophet: "molars unbelievers in hell for the hills of Uhud, and thick-skinned as far as 3-day trip." (Narrated by Imam Muslim, through Abu Hurairah ra.)
Cries of hell, breathing hell, and hell prayer
It was once told that the breath of hell where the population is now blown into the world, surely the world and everything in it burned. They were able to pray five times, unable to speak, but after it said nothing at all. Prophet: "Hell jahannam imported on that day, in which there are 70 000 mooring rope, and each fastening straps are 70,000 angels."
Muhammad bin Ka `b said:" for the inhabitants of hell there are 5 types of prayer, where permitted by Allah 'Azza wa Jalla be 4 kinds. And when the prayer of the 5th, after which they are not biasaberkata-word any more for ever. "
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